The Spirit Gives Life

There are NO barriers between a person filled with the Spirit and Christ Himself in the New Covenant. Anything placed between Jesus and a person is a stumbling block. It is the SPIRIT who gives life and nothing else. You can quote scriptures until you’re blue in the face and have no understanding from Jesus (just like the Pharisees).
The ONLY thing you need to do to come to Jesus is to COME TO JESUS WITH A BROKEN CONTRITE SPIRIT, RECEIVE HIS SPIRIT and BE LED BY HIM (that’s the New Covenant).
Jesus is our true baptism.Jesus is our true communion.Jesus is our headcovering.Jesus is our Sabbath.Jesus is the Word of God.
Everything POINTS to CHRIST. And the New Covenant is CHRIST IN YOU. 
Religious spirits tell you that you must follow rules, regulations, and rituals, that you have to sit in a building twice a week, get dunked in water, eat bread and wine, or cover your head to come to God or to speak… but Jesus came to set us free from law and religion and write His Law (Spirit) on our hearts.
Jesus ISN’T religious. 

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