this world is dark and evil but Jesus is the Light

I hate this world and all its darkness. I hate being helpless while people suffer and refuse to turn to the One Person who can help them. I hate that people have such a wrong idea of who Jesus is. I hate that kids grow up in a system of education that promotes things that are spiritually dangerous. I hate that people who are in desperate need for truth and are searching for it end up in these church systems that are filled with people that dont even know Him… religious rituals , paganism, and hypocrisy and are all about money. 

I hate this evil world. I hate that peoples hearts are so cold. I hate that nobody cares about others.  I hate that i live with a person (roommate) who doesnt care if his wife and kids have no food to eat. I freaking hate this world that is all about consuming things to feed your flesh and there are so few people who actually seek to know Jesus for themselves. I hate that people have no hope because they listen to the enemy and give up seeking Jesus. I hate that people that claim to be giving messages from God are listening to a spirit of condemnation and others are listening to them with an ‘amen’. I hate that other people preach that Jesus is ok with sin. I hate that people think following Jesus means to get dunked in water, chant in gibberish, and declare their own will using scripture. Or those who think being a Christian is all about who you vote for. I hate this dark world that isof the flesh that is the beast.

So many are walking in condemnation and fear because they are looking to themselves in the flesh. LOOK AT JESUS. Get to know Him. Have FAITH. TRUST Him. Its walking with Jesus that brings change. Know the truth and walk in it. Its knowing Him that changes a person at the heart level. Its the truth that sets a person free. Always truth. Always Jesus showing us truth, that is real deliverance. Never looking at ourselves and our weaknesses and failures. Seek the One who can change you. Behold Him. Walk towards Him. He will hold your hand and walk you out of the pit of hell. Jesus has the keys of hell and of death (that means He can set you free from the chains of sin and deception you are wrapped up in). SEEK HIM.

There is NOTHING that is too hard for Jesus. NOTHING. He is the answer to EVERY problem. He is The Way The Truth and The Life. He will change you and set you free to walk in truth. He alone has the power to help you overcome the sins that have you in chains. Dont give up. Dont let the enemy lie to you. In Christ there is freedom and hope. Seek Jesus with all of your heart.

12 thoughts on “this world is dark and evil but Jesus is the Light

  1. I feel it too and it wears on me. I get so frustrated and tired of this world. I think about how His longsuffering is so unfathomable! He endured it all for the joy that was set before Him. Its so beautiful when someone finally sees Him and comes to Him. Thats what we r always hoping for.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The heart truly is the bottomless pit…..never satisfied. Only Jesus can fill it. And the gates og hell which are the lips will never prevail against it once the LORD sits on the THRONE OF THE HEART, because HE has the keys!….HE said GO and SIN NO MORE…It was a declaration over her life, not a command…HE was telling her she was now sinless! Not because of anything she had done, but becuase of who HE WAS! I will write on the white stone a new name. HIS NAME! PURITY, BE YE HOLY BECUASE I AM HOLY!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thats awesome! Jesus showed me the same, how He doesnt command flesh to do what it never cld do, but He speaks it into us. His Word is sent n fulfils for Him. Just as He said let there be light and there it was. I love how u put it, that He declared it over her life. I love that abt the gates of hell too 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I still waiting for Jesus’s answers. He’s the only hope. I am not born again yet and still waiting for Him to renew me in His Spirit. I really want to know Him more😢

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Awww… seek Him with all of your heart. Dont ever give up seeking Him! He is worthy of it all! Knowing Him IS the reward. God is faithful! Jesus produces patience and diligence in us and draws us to Himself. God bless you. 🙏🏻❤

    And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord , hast not forsaken them that seek thee.
    Psalms 9:10

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  6. I feel that the Lord wants me to encourage you again with this. I sought Jesus for His Spirit for like 4 years… pretty much everyday. I would see all the fake stuff in the churches and always tell Jesus that I want the real thing. Man, it produced so much patience and diligence in me. I’m so grateful for it now. God also showed me His Faithfulness that He would keep drawing me to seek Him when I felt like giving up or when I thought it was pointless. Jesus knows what He is doing. Dont give up and dont lose heart… He is faithful and He will bring you to a place that you can receive His Spirit. There are so few people that seek Jesus w all their hearts and actually are born again. It’s like Jesus brings us to the end of ourselves, shows us our desperate need of Him, and then when the time is right He, Himself will pour His Spirit in you. Push thru anything discouragement and know that God is faithful… and keep on seeking Him and seeking the truth. If you ever need encouragement, you are always welcome here to comment. ❤

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  7. Thank you so much. I am so sad seeing people that actually love Him but think sin is okay. They said that asking Jesus in heart is false teaching because He had paid for our sins(grace preacher).


  8. Grace doesnt mean to overlook sin… Grace is God Himself dwelling in a person changing them from the inside and giving them power to overcome. When you get to know Jesus, youre gonna lose your desire for sin..

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  9. Wow my dear had I not known the Lord this post seems like so much hate, BUT it is the holy spirit of the living God that makes you so unhappy as you look around the world today! Our Lord also saw a world in dyer need of a saviour and one so filled with self. You are spot on in your feeling the way you do for in the Lord we love what He loves and hate what He hates.God Bless You. (Psalm 139:21-24).

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