faith without works is dead

I am so excited that Jesus is giving me understanding of this and I wanted to share!

Faith without works is dead simply means you must be born again and led by the Spirit! It is a revelation of being born again and letting Christ do His work IN you instead of trying to do works of the flesh.

Anything that is not led by Christ is done in the flesh. Works of the flesh are the works of your own hands.

Doing things from your own flesh means to do things from your own heart (motivated by pride, lust, to be seen by men, all the outward stuff, etc), your own will, your own understanding, and not being led by Christ when you do them.

The gospel is ALL about what Jesus did on the cross and what HE does IN His people in the new covenant. 

Jesus teaches all His sheep how to obey, takes us out of the world, and takes the world out of us. If you’re still in the world, you probably dont know Jesus.

Turn your whole heart to Jesus and HE will do the work IN you. He will teach you how to follow Him and He will give you strength/truth to be set free from the bondage of sin. ❤

Even so faith, if it hath not works (Spirit), is dead, being alone.
James 2:17

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works (Spirit) is dead also.
James 2:26

I went from leaving a straight up antichrist church where there was so much hypocrisy to putting myself under so much bondage and legalism trying to please God in my own flesh…

A couple years ago Jesus taught me that when He tells me to do something, and I do it, that is true faith and a work of righteousness… but it’s even more simple than that. The works that we need to do is the work of the Spirit IN us. Christ accepts nothing less than Himself and He is the One who does the work IN His people. He produces Himself in us. Changes us. Gives us new desires. When we do things from the new heart (Christ in us/led by the Spirit), we are doing the works of faith required. It is Christ living His Life thru us. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives IN me. All other works are dead flesh and will be burned up in the end.

Faith without works (Spirit) is dead because those who are not led by the Spirit do works from their own dead flesh(own understanding/outward/carnal/not led by Jesus).

When I first came out of the churches I was listening to people who were water baptizing many in the Name of Jesus… they left the church buildings and spoke against them but they took a lot of what they learned in there to outside the building… what’s the point of that? Rituals are works of the flesh, including water baptism. You can ask Jesus about that.

Gods Kingdom isnt outward. It’s not buildings or ministries or bible studies or rituals. Gods Kingdom isnt bumper stickers or tshirts or signs or preaching with a megaphone. It doesnt cost any money to build Gods Kingdom. God builds His Kingdom inside a person…by Himself… everything that Jesus produces in you is His Kingdom… it is built of Spirit and Truth BY JESUS HIMSELF… Its patience, diligence, truth, love, compassion, even righteous anger… the Kingdom is Gods Spirit IN you… not yelling at people with a megaphone or holding up a sign or baptizing people in water.

Jesus teaches His people to build His Kingdom in the hearts of others by speaking words of Spirit, Truth, and Life  that come from His Heart (led by Him) to build others up (edify others) in Him. ❤

I read this verse today… I used to think it was about Jesus living on earth, but He showed me something different today…and things started to make more sense…  this is a verse about the new covenant (Christ IN you).

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness (Christ IN you is the mystery): God was manifest in the flesh (of His people… a revelation of being born again), justified in the Spirit (it is the Spirit IN us who changes us and makes us acceptable to God), seen of angels (WE are angels/messengers), preached (the gospel)unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory (Christ receives us when we are born again, we are one Spirit w Him).
1 Timothy 3:16

You cant just claim scriptures over yourself … You must be born again. Seek Jesus for His Spirit.

When Jesus tells people “Depart from me I never KNEW you”, to know someone biblically refers to intimacy… it doesnt get more intimate than being inside someone. Jesus is speaking to those who dont have the Spirit in them.

6 thoughts on “faith without works is dead

  1. love all ur posts…love this one so much…what gr8 liberty we have in
    th Spirit…im so glad th Lord brought us together…i been hopin to meet His ppl fa yrs…lolol…thx fa posting…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Love this! As I was reading, it was like it was saying works without faith is dead (switched around). Anything we do apart from Christ is dead. Like Paul said.. the life I live now is by the faith of the Son who lives in me. We live, move and have our being in Christ!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I believe that! It can only be Jesus. The faith that begins in us and is sure to increase into the tallest tree (of Life).

    Liked by 1 person

    I wish to share a similar perspective that salvation offered by Christ is apart from works but drawing heavily from 1Peter.

    Salvation apart from works mentioned in Eph2:8-9 is the foundation of the relationship with God. Differentiating this faith that is involved in this salvation of the spirit via confession as instructed in Rom10:9 from the faith that Jam2:17 speaks of is key to avoid committing the error of the Galatians in Gal3:3.

    The faith in Jam2:17 is the faith walk that saves the soul. This genuine faith is explained in 1Peter. Peter speaks of genuine faith in unseen Christ (1Pet1:8) and in the living hope of the resurrection (1Pet1:3) that is tested for it genuineness by the trials of persecution (1Pet1:7).

    Peter goes on explain how this genuine faith that leads to the salvation of the soul (1Pet1:9) through sincere brotherly love (1Pet1:22). Therefore genuine faith walk of a Christian is faith expressed in sincere brotherly love that lays aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and all evil speaking (1Pet2:1) while doing good and suffering for it according to the will God (1Pet3:17).

    While this faith walk can be dead and does not affect the secured placed in heaven, it affects the soul salvation. If one truly desires oneness with God, this soul needs to produce as much eternal weight of glory (2Co4:16-18) as possible before death.

    The bottom line, is God yearns for us to be one with Him in Spirit, Soul and Body.

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